Canterbury Pest Control Specialists

With over 59 years of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of termites and other pests, WR Gay Pest Control is Canterbury’s trusted pest control service. Servicing both residential and commercial properties, our expert team of knowledgeable and experienced technicians work diligently to locate the source of your pest problem, and devise a successful treatment strategy.

Protect your Canterbury home or office with reliable pest control solutions

Striving to deliver our expert pest control treatment within the quickest timeframe possible, WR Gay proudly utilises only the leading and latest industry technology. Once we have successfully diagnosed and treated your pest issue, our technicians will also provide ongoing prevention strategies to avoid future infestations.

With WR Gay Pest Control’s safe and efficient services there are no hidden costs, providing a more affordable solution for your Canterbury home or office. Contact us today on 1300 761 979 for more information or to book a pest inspection Melbourne at your property.

For more information, call 1300 761 979